• Task III.3.Z.2 (3) : Support of foreign mobility for the best doctoral students from Poland and abroad (1 to 10 months), receiving education at the doctoral school 


  • Task III.4.Z.4 (5) Participation of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School preparing the doctoral thesis in the field of “Management & Business Administration” in doctoral schools organized annually by EDAMBA 




Ogłoszenie konkursu dotyczącego przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH w czerwcu 2024 roku

Announcement of the competition for granting funding for foreign mobility of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School in June 2024

Ogłasza się konkurs dotyczący przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów/doktorantek Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH  w ramach realizacji Zadania (3) programu STER - Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich w projekcie: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education.  Announcement of a competition for the allocation of funding for the international mobility of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School within the implementation of Task (3) of the STER program - Internationalization of doctoral schools in the project: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education

Zgłoszenie należy przesłać na adres mailowy Biura SD SGH: do dnia 4 lipca 2024

The application should be sent to the email address of the SGH Doctoral School Office: by July 4, 2024

Komunikat Dziekana w sprawie ogłoszenia konkursu przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów z dnia 20 czerwca 2024

Announcement of the Dean of the Doctoral School at the Warsaw School of Economics of June 20, 2024 


Agreement66.81 KB
Statement85.44 KB


Wyniki konkursu - czerwiec 2024:

Competition results - June 2024:

  • 125010 - przyznano finansowanie wyjazdu do Deakin University, Melbourne Burwood Campus, Australia.
  • 125010 - funding approved fellowship at Deakin University, Melbourne Burwood Campus, Australia.



Ogłoszenie konkursu dotyczącego przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH w 2024 roku

Announcement of the competition for granting funding for foreign mobility of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School in 2024

Ogłasza się konkurs dotyczący przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów/doktorantek Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH  w ramach realizacji Zadania (3) oraz Zadania (5) programu STER - Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich w projekcie: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education.  Announcement of a competition for the allocation of funding for the international mobility of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School within the implementation of Task (3) and Task (5) of the STER program - Internationalization of doctoral schools in the project: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education

Zgłoszenie należy przesłać na adres mailowy Biura SD SGH:

  • do dnia13 marca 2024 w przypadku aplikowania do konkursu w ramach zadania 5 (Edamba)
  • do dnia 1 marca 2024 w przypadku aplikowania do konkursu w ramach zadania 3 (staż naukowy).

The application should be sent to the email address of the SGH Doctoral School Office:

  • By March 13, 2024, for those applying for the competition within Task 5 (Edamba)

  • By March 1, 2024, for those applying for the competition within Task 3 (scientific internship).

Komunikat Dziekana w sprawie ogłoszenia konkursu przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów z dnia 29 stycznia 2024

Announcement of the Dean of the Doctoral School at the Warsaw School of Economics of January 29, 2024 

Wyniki konkursu 2023/2024:

Competition results 2023/2024:

Wyjazd na Szkołę Letnią EDAMBA  (zadanie 5):

  • 89811 —  przyznano finansowanie udziału w 33rd EDAMBA Summer Research Academy w Atenach, Grecja, 21-25 lipiec 2024 r.
  • 37137  — przyznano finansowanie udziału w 33rd EDAMBA Summer Research Academy w Atenach, Grecja, 21-25 lipiec 2024 r.

EDAMBA Summer Academy (task 5):

  • 89811 — funding approved for 33rd EDAMBA Summer Research Academy, Athens, Greece, 21-25 July 2024.
  • 37137 — funding approved for 33rd EDAMBA Summer Research Academy, Athens, Greece, 21-25 July 2024.


Wyjazd na staż naukowy (zadanie 3):

  • 125014 — przyznano finansowanie udziału w stażu w University of Gothenburg, Szwecja, wrzesień-październik 2024
  • 68126 — przyznano finansowanie udziału w stażu w Technische Universitat Wien (TU Wien), Wiedeń, Austria, kwiecień 2024
  • 125011 — przyznano finansowanie udziału w stażu w Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, Korea Południowa, listopad 2024
  • 125019 — przyznano finansowanie udziału w stażu w Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Departament of Finance, Mediolan, Włochy, październik-listopad 2024

Doctoral Research Fellowship (task 3):

  • 125014 — funding approved for fellowship at University of Gothenburg, Szweden, September-October 2024
  • 68126 — funding approved for fellowship at Technische Universitat Wien (TU Wien), Austria, April 2024
  • 125011 — funding approved for fellowship at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea, November 2024
  • 125019 — funding approved for fellowship at Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Departament of Finance, Milan, Italy, October-November 2024

Załącznik nr 1: umowa zad. 3 (staże naukowe)

Załącznik nr 1 do umowy zad. 3: wzór certyfikatu

Załącznik nr 2 do umowy zad. 3: rozliczenie finansowe wyjazdu

Załącznik nr 3 do umowy zad. 3: oświadczenie RODO

Załącznik nr 4 do umowy zad. 3: dodatkowa zgoda na przetwarzanie danych

Appendix no 1: agreement_task 3 

Appendix  no. 1 to the agrement task. 3 sample certificate

Appendix no. 2 to the agrement task 3: financial settlement of the trip

Appendix no. 3 to the agreement task 3: RODO statement

Appendix no. 4 to the agreement task 3: additional consent for data processing

Załącznik nr 2: umowa zad. 5 (Edamba)

Załącznik nr 1 do umowy zad. 5: oświadczenie RODO

Załącznik nr 2 do umowy zad. 5: wzór certyfikatu

Załącznik nr 3 do umowy zad. 5: dodatkowa zgoda RODO


Appendix no. 2: agreement task 5 (Edamba)

Appendix no. 1 to the agreement task 5: RODO statement

Appendix  no. 2 to the agrement task. 3 sample certificate

Appendix no. 3 to the agreement task 5: additional RODO consent



Ogłoszenie konkursu dotyczącego przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH w 2023 roku

Ogłasza się konkurs dotyczący przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów/doktorantek Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH  w ramach realizacji Zadania (3) oraz Zadania (5) programu STER - Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich w projekcie: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education. 

Zgłoszenie należy przesłać na adres mailowy Biura SD SGH:

  • do dnia  27 kwietnia 2023 w przypadku aplikowania do konkursu w ramach zadania 5 (Edamba)
  • do dnia 28 maja 2023 w przypadku aplikowania do konkursu w ramach zadania 3 (staż naukowy).

Komunikat Dziekana w sprawie ogłoszenia konkursu przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów z dnia 21.04.2023

Załącznik nr 1: umowa zad. 3 (staże naukowe)
Załącznik nr 1 do umowy zad. 3: wzór certyfikatu
Załącznik nr 2 do umowy zad. 3: rozliczenie finansowe wyjazdu
Załącznik nr 3 do umowy zad. 3: oświadczenie RODO

Załącznik nr 2: umowa zad. 5 (Edamba)   
Załącznik nr 1 do umowy zad. 5: oświadczenie RODO
Załącznik nr 2 do umowy zad. 5: wzór certyfikatu



Komunikat Dziekana Szkoły Doktorskiej w Szkole Głównej Handlowej
w Warszawie z dnia 22 kwietnia 2022 roku w sprawie wprowadzenia Regulaminu przyznawania finansowania zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej SGH w ramach programu STER - Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich w projekcie: Strengthening
the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework
of the International Area of Doctoral Education

Communication from the Dean of the Doctoral School at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 22 April 2022 concerning the introduction
of the Rules and Regulations for granting funds for foreign mobility
of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School within the ‘STER Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools’ programme in the project: Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework
of the International Area of Doctoral Education

Załącznik nr 1: umowa zad. 3

Załącznik nr 2: umowa zad. 5

Załącznik nr 4: Oświadczenie RODO-NAWA

Załącznik nr 4: certyfikat - wzór

Załącznik nr 5: Rozliczenie finansowe wyjazdu

Appendix No. 1 Implementation agreement_task 3

Appendix No. 2: Implementation agreement_task 5

Appendix No. 3: Declaration of a project participant

Appendix No. 4: Certificate template

Appendix No 5: Financial settlement of the trip





Announcement of the competition for financing the foreign mobility of doctoral students at the SGH Doctoral School 



of the 2st edition of the competition for financing the foreign mobility of doctoral students of the Doctoral School
at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics 

in project Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education 

as part of the NAWA STER program - Internationalization of doctoral schools, implemented at the Doctoral School
at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. 

Task III.3.Z.2 (3) : Support of foreign mobility for the best doctoral students from Poland and abroad (1 to 10 months), receiving education at the doctoral school 


A doctoral student who meets the following criteria may apply for financing foreign mobility under task (3): 

a) is a PhD student at the SGH Doctoral School (both Polish citizens and foreigners), 

b) in the case of Task (5) - is a doctoral student preparing a doctoral dissertation in the field of "Management & Business Administration", 

c) is a doctoral student in a 48-month education program, 

d) is not in the period of extending education at a doctoral school, 

e) has an Individual Research Plan approved by the supervisor in accordance with the Dean's Instruction of the SGH Doctoral School, 

f) has submitted to the SGH Doctoral School Bureau documents specified in sec. 5 of the Regulations for awarding funding for foreign mobility of doctoral students of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw School of Economics under the STER program (hereinafter: the Regulations) - in the case of applying for financing foreign mobility under Task (3) and in sec. 6 of the Regulations - in the case of applying for financing foreign mobility under the Task (5). 

Detailed information on the rules of applying for financing the foreign mobility of doctoral students is included in the Regulations constituting an appendix to this announcement. 

The following criteria will be applied in the evaluation of applications: 

1. In the case of applications for financing the mobility of doctoral students under Task (3): 

a) The candidate's academic achievements in the three years preceding the submission of the application for funding for foreign mobility, including: 

• authorship or co-authorship of scientific articles and scientific monographs and editing of scientific monographs with the rank of the journal / publishing house - maximum 5 points for the publication, 

• active participation in scientific conferences in the form of a scientific paper or presentation of a poster along with the rank and internationalization of a scientific conference - maximum 3 points. for delivering a paper and 1 point - for presenting a poster, 

• research internships carried out in foreign scientific institutions, lasting at least one month - maximum 5 points. for internship. 

b) Plan of research activities and / or the implementation of the education program at level 8 PQF, referring to the tasks indicated in the Individual Research Plan of the Doctoral Student and indicating the scientific effects of foreign mobility of the doctoral student as part of the implementation of the task (3) - maximum 15 points. 

Applications for financing foreign mobility under task (3) in the academic year 2021/2022 according to the template constituting Annex 1 to the scholarship regulations, should be sent in the form of a scan of the signed form to the address by July 4, 2022, 

The competition results regarding task (3) will be announced by July 14, 2022. 


II edycji konkursu na sfinansowanie zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie 
w projekcie Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education

Tasks no 3 and 5 


of the 1st edition of the competition for financing the foreign mobility of doctoral students of the Doctoral School
at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics 

in project Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education 

as part of the NAWA STER program - Internationalization of doctoral schools, implemented at the Doctoral School
at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. 

Task III.3.Z.2 (3) : Support of foreign mobility for the best doctoral students from Poland and abroad (1 to 10 months), receiving education at the doctoral school 


Task III.4.Z.4 (5) Participation of doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School preparing the doctoral thesis in the field of “Management & Business Administration” in doctoral schools organized annually by EDAMBA 


A doctoral student who meets the following criteria may apply for financing foreign mobility under task (3) and task (5): 

a) is a PhD student at the SGH Doctoral School (both Polish citizens and foreigners), 

b) in the case of Task (5) - is a doctoral student preparing a doctoral dissertation in the field of "Management & Business Administration", 

c) is a doctoral student in a 48-month education program, 

d) is not in the period of extending education at a doctoral school, 

e) has an Individual Research Plan approved by the supervisor in accordance with the Dean's Instruction of the SGH Doctoral School, 

f) has submitted to the SGH Doctoral School Bureau documents specified in sec. 5 of the Regulations for awarding funding for foreign mobility of doctoral students of the Doctoral School of the Warsaw School of Economics under the STER program (hereinafter: the Regulations) - in the case of applying for financing foreign mobility under Task (3) and in sec. 6 of the Regulations - in the case of applying for financing foreign mobility under the Task (5). 

Detailed information on the rules of applying for financing the foreign mobility of doctoral students is included in the Regulations constituting an appendix to this announcement. 

The following criteria will be applied in the evaluation of applications: 

1. In the case of applications for financing the mobility of doctoral students under Task (3): 

a) The candidate's academic achievements in the three years preceding the submission of the application for funding for foreign mobility, including: 

• authorship or co-authorship of scientific articles and scientific monographs and editing of scientific monographs with the rank of the journal / publishing house - maximum 5 points for the publication, 

• managing or participating in the implementation of research projects financed from external funds along with the nature of the participation - 5 points for project management and 2 points  - for participating in the project, 

• active participation in scientific conferences in the form of a scientific paper or presentation of a poster along with the rank and internationalization of a scientific conference - maximum 3 points. for delivering a paper and 1 point - for presenting a poster, 

• research internships carried out in foreign scientific institutions, lasting at least one month - maximum 5 points. for internship. 

b) Plan of research activities and / or the implementation of the education program at level 8 PQF, referring to the tasks indicated in the Individual Research Plan of the Doctoral Student and indicating the scientific effects of foreign mobility of the doctoral student as part of the implementation of the task (3) - maximum 15 points. 

2. When assessing applications related to Task (5): 

a) Plan of research activities and / or the implementation of the education program at PQF level 8, referring to the tasks indicated in the Individual Research Plan of the Doctoral Student and indicating the scientific effects of foreign mobility of the doctoral student as part of the task (5) - maximum 15 points. 

Applications for financing foreign mobility under task (3) in the academic year 2021/2022 according to the template constituting Annex 1 to the scholarship regulations, should be sent in the form of a scan of the signed form to the address by June 3, 2022, 

The competition results regarding task (3) will be announced by June 15, 2022. 


Applications for financing foreign mobility under task (5) in the academic year 2021/2022 according to the template constituting Annex 1 to the scholarship regulations, should be sent in the form of a scan of the signed form to the address by April 29, 2022 until 11 a.m. 

The competition results regarding task (5) will be announced by: May 5, 2022. 


I edycji konkursu na sfinansowanie zagranicznej mobilności doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
w projekcie Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education w ramach programu NAWA STER - Umiędzynarodowienie szkół doktorskich, realizowanego w Szkole Doktorskiej w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie.