Bh/Task no 2
of the 3st edition of the scholarship competition
in the project Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education
as part of the NAWA STER - Internationalization of doctoral schools, implemented at the Doctoral School at the Warsaw School of Economics,
Task II.: III.2.Z.1.P.1 (K.2.1)
A doctoral student who meets the following criteria may apply for or an increase in the scholarship:
- is a foreign doctoral student of the Doctoral School at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (SGH Doctoral School), i.e. he/she is (1) a foreigner, a graduate of a first-cycle or a second-cycle program or a long-cycle master’s program completed at a foreign institution, or (2) a foreigner, a graduate of a first-cycle or a second-cycle program or a long-cycle master’s program completed in a Polish institution or is (3) a Polish citizen, a graduate of a second-cycle program at a foreign institution,
- is a doctoral student at the SGH Doctoral School as part of a 48-month education program,
- is not in the period of extending education at the SGH Doctoral School,
- does not receive an increased scholarship financed under other projects that support the internationalization of doctoral programs and does not receive an increased scholarship from the SGH funds,
- he/she submitted an Individual Research Plan approved by the supervisor in accordance with the SGH Doctoral School Dean's Instruction,
and additionally meets at least one of the following criteria:
- prepares a doctoral dissertation in English,
- has achieved scientific achievements of international scope, determined in accordance with 13 of the Regulations no. 30 of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Ecomics of 7 April 2022 on the introduction of Rules for granting and paying an increased scholarship to the doctoral students of the Doctoral School within the STER programme
- cooperates with a supervisor or an assistant supervisor from a foreign higher education institution.
Detailed information on the rules of applying for an increased scholarship is included in the Regulations constituting an appendix to this announcement.
The following criteria will be applied in the evaluation of applications:
1. The candidate's academic achievements of international scope, whereas in the case of the candidate from the 1st year of the SGH Doctoral School – it is the candidate's academic achievements of international scope presented in the admission process and other international scientific achievements obtained by the date of submission of the application, and in the case of other candidates, it is the international scientific achievements obtained after the admission to the SGH Doctoral School or after the date of submitting the last application for an increased scholarship in the case of the candidates re-applying for this scholarship, including:
a) authorship or co-authorship of the scientific articles and scientific monographs and being an editor of a scientific monograph, along with the rank of the journal/publishing house – maximum 20 points for the publication,
b) research projects carried out in cooperation with the foreign research institution – maximum 10 points for one research project,
c) active participation in the international scientific conferences in the form of a scientific paper or poster presentation in English, along with the rank of the conference – maximum 10 points for the presentation of one paper, maximum 5 points – for the presentation of one poster,
d) research internship carried out in a foreign higher education institution and lasting a minimum of one month, along with the duration of the internship and the rank of a foreign higher education institution - maximum 10 points for one internship, with a maximum of 6 points for an internship up to 3 months, and for an internship longer than three months – from 7 to 10 points,
2. The nature of the internationalization of the doctoral project, including:
a) supervisor/co-supervisor /assistant supervisor from abroad – 15 points,
b) carrying out a research being a part of a doctoral dissertation in cooperation with a foreign scientific institution, along with the rank of the institution and the specificity of a research implementation – 25 points.
Scholarship applications, according to the template constituting Annex 1 to the Scholarship Regulations, should be sent in the form of a scan of the signed form to the address: by July 4, 2024.
The results of the competition will be announced by: July 18, 2024.
Regulations on the awarding and paying an increased scholarship to doctoral students at the SGH Doctoral School under the STER program.
2024 the competition results
of the 2st edition of the scholarship competition
in the project Strengthening the SGH Doctoral School’s Position Within the Framework of the International Area of Doctoral Education
as part of the NAWA STER - Internationalization of doctoral schools, implemented at the Doctoral School at the Warsaw School of Economics,
Task II.: III.2.Z.1.P.1 (K.2.1)
A doctoral student who meets the following criteria may apply for or an increase in the scholarship:
is a foreign doctoral student of the Doctoral School at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (SGH Doctoral School), i.e. he/she is (1) a foreigner, a graduate of a first-cycle or a second-cycle program or a long-cycle master’s program completed at a foreign institution, or (2) a foreigner, a graduate of a first-cycle or a second-cycle program or a long-cycle master’s program completed in a Polish institution or is (3) a Polish citizen, a graduate of a second-cycle program at a foreign institution,
is a doctoral student at the SGH Doctoral School as part of a 48-month education program,
is not in the period of extending education at the SGH Doctoral School,
does not receive an increased scholarship financed under other projects that support the internationalization of doctoral programs and does not receive an increased scholarship from the SGH funds,
he/she submitted an Individual Research Plan approved by the supervisor in accordance with the SGH Doctoral School Dean's Instruction,
and additionally meets at least one of the following criteria:
- prepares a doctoral dissertation in English,
- has achieved scientific achievements of international scope, determined in accordance with par. 13 of the Regulations no. 30 of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Ecomics of 7 April 2022 on the introduction of Rules for granting and paying an increased scholarship to the doctoral students of the Doctoral School within the STER programme
- cooperates with a supervisor or an assistant supervisor from a foreign higher education institution.
Detailed information on the rules of applying for an increased scholarship is included in the Regulations constituting an appendix to this announcement.
The following criteria will be applied in the evaluation of applications:
1. The candidate's academic achievements of international scope, whereas in the case of the candidate from the 1st year of the SGH Doctoral School – it is the candidate's academic achievements of international scope presented in the admission process and other international scientific achievements obtained by the date of submission of the application, and in the case of other candidates, it is the international scientific achievements obtained after the admission to the SGH Doctoral School or after the date of submitting the last application for an increased scholarship in the case of the candidates re-applying for this scholarship, including:
a) authorship or co-authorship of the scientific articles and scientific monographs and being an editor of a scientific monograph, along with the rank of the journal/publishing house – maximum 20 points for the publication,
b) research projects carried out in cooperation with the foreign research institution – maximum 10 points for one research project,
c) active participation in the international scientific conferences in the form of a scientific paper or poster presentation in English, along with the rank of the conference – maximum 10 points for the presentation of one paper, maximum 5 points – for the presentation of one poster,
d) research internship carried out in a foreign higher education institution and lasting a minimum of one month, along with the duration of the internship and the rank of a foreign higher education institution - maximum 10 points for one internship, with a maximum of 6 points for an internship up to 3 months, and for an internship longer than three months – from 7 to 10 points,
2. The nature of the internationalization of the doctoral project, including:
a) supervisor/co-supervisor /assistant supervisor from abroad – 15 points,
b) carrying out a research being a part of a doctoral dissertation in cooperation with a foreign scientific institution, along with the rank of the institution and the specificity of a research implementation – 25 points.
Scholarship applications, according to the template constituting Annex 1 to the Scholarship Regulations, should be sent in the form of a scan of the signed form to the address by September 4, 2023
The results of the competition will be announced by: September 18, 2023.
2022/2023 the competition results
2022/2023 the competition resault - final list, after considering reservations